Anahi Sanz - Foodie, Dancer, & Colour Queen

September 07, 2022 2 min read

When we came across Anahi Sanz we were overjoyed by her love of colour and her celebration of life.  She is a true foodie from a family of chefs with her own passion for homestyle cooking. We got to know Anahi a little more and found her to be a true inspiration for living a vibrant and happy life. Read our interview with her and watch the super-fun recipe videos she created for us! 


Anahi Sanz
The 2die4 Live Foods team are really grateful for you taking the time to create these amazing videos using our products.  Can you tell us a bit more about your love of food?
I was born in the Basque Country of northern Spain, where good food is central to social occasions, and a passion for cooking is big in my family.  My father is a chef, my mother loves cooking, and my cousin is popular Spanish chef Venu Sanz (@venusanzchef).  Cooking is such a celebrated part of family life for me, both back in Spain and at home in Sydney.  2die4 Live Foods nuts are my favourite nuts to cook with, they are so delicious! 
We were attracted to your Instagram profile and love all your bright colours. What inspires your creativity and art form?
I couldn't live without painting, it's a kind of meditation for my soul. My style is Cubism with my own pop art influence. I also love fashion and supporting small ethical fashion businesses. It's fun to get creative with mixing prints and colours, which I do in how I dress and my art. "Colour is the place where our brain meets the universe" - Paul Cezanne  I am always inspired my 
colour art    colourful art    art
What your other passions?
I love being active!  Cycling and dancing are my favourite passions, next to cooking of course.  Cycling around Sydney is so much fun!!  I am seriously thinking about covering my bike with crochet as I did it with my previous bike while living in Barcelona.  I just want to add colour everywhere.   I also love dancing.  I am a swing dancer and have had so many amazing experiences with it. Mostly for me dancing is not about executing the perfect steps, it's about losing yourself in the music while interpreting it with your body. 
sydney    Dancing   flowers
4  What is your favourite thing to cook? 
I love baking and making traditional dishes I learnt from home. One of my favourites is Bizcocho.  My latest one included 2die4 Live Foods Activated Macadamias :-)  I had so much fun creating a video of me dancing in my kitchen baking it.  
See more of Anahi's cooking and colourful creations at @anahi.sanz